Friday, 8 October 2010

sorry guys

not had chance to make any new posts recently, been busy working and gaming. I bought Skate 3 the other day and i want to get all the PS3 trophies for it before i go and trade it back in again.

I got some web design work for a big local company, its not alot, but they want me to re-vamp the website and make it more popular on google. the web hosting company they used are shit though, they messed up the payment system so nobody has been able to buy stuff from the website.

gunna call it a day for now, night guys.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

stumbled across this when browsing the internet, its proper old but still mint.

Saturday, 2 October 2010


had a lovely night in with the wife watching films. Went down to the local take away and got a pizza and a kebab. Ate them and then went to my friends birthday for an hour or two just to say hi and have a catch up. Came back home and stuck some films on. We watched Armageddon and now we are watching Phone Booth, tell you what, Armageddon is such a tear jerker, cant hack the end.

MINT! ¬_¬

they asked me to work both saturday and sunday too now at work, and me being to nice for my own good accepted cos i need the money. oh well, i guess it could be worse.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Thank god im starting work later today at 10. This morning, my wife informed me that the bumper trim was hanging off my car, mint! means im going to have to spend more time and money fixing my car.

Anyway, best start getting ready for work.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Coolest guy ever imo.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

As some of you may know, im an avid gamer, and in particular the call of duty series. So i was undoubtabale excited when Treryarch confirmed that their latest in the series, Black Ops, was going to have a Nazi Zombie style game mode. However, this has been rumoured for months now, but its just nice to know that they have confirmed it.

Quote from the website:

One of the most popular modes of Call of Duty: World at War was its unlockable zombie-apocalypse mode, Nacht der Toten (Night of the Dead). In it, the otherwise realistic World War II-set shooter allowed up to four players to cooperatively defend a house against increasingly large waves of Nazi undead. (Watch the video below to see it in action.) The mode was such a hit that it spawned two iPhone spin-offs and a downloadable add-on, Zombie Verruckt (Crazy Zombie).

Some Visine could really clear up that eye condition.
Though the games share the same developer, Treyarch, there was some concern that zombie mode might not make an appearance in the forthcoming sequel, Call of Duty: Black Ops. Those concerns can now be laid to rest like a reanimated SS storm trooper at the business end of a shotgun. Activision today confirmed rumors that the mode would indeed return, but did not clarify if it would once again be undead Nazis or a new form of shuffling corpse.

Given Black Ops' setting, a more likely contender is zombie Viet Cong, as a good chunk of the game takes place during the Vietnam War. The game's single-player campaign will follow a group of US commandos undertaking various high-risk covert operations in various hot spots of the Cold War, including the jungles of Southeast Asia and the more restless regions of Russia.
still bored, nothing has changed. so i have resorted to listening to some right classics.

im still bored at work, so im going to upload some images that i posted on my tumblr last night.

in work

sat at work just staring at the computer scree, sometimes working in IT can be so so boring. Wish i had picked a more interesting carrer, like lion tamer, or stunt pilot.

The boss is currently having an arguement with another employee, the employee is claiming to have handed in a presentation before the deadline but the boss is saying they didnt. its all kicking off. best go before i get caught on blogger. see ya guys

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

i had a terribly drive home from work today. Il try my best to explain it but your going to have to visualise it yourself. Basically i was stopped at some 2 lane traffic lights. The left hand lane is for going straight on or turning left, the right hand lane for turning right.

so when the lights changed to green, the idiot next to me in the right hand lane decides to go straight on instead of turning right, so i had to slam on because they were cutting me up and forcing me over. This happened to me twice on the way home. Arrogant and aggresive drivers really grind my gears.

So bored

been playing on my playstation 3 for most of the night out of sheer boredum. better than the 360 though imo. first time on here so dont rly know what to say.